
gPodder 4.0.0 "Iffy Kiffy Izzy Oh" released

So, time for gPodder 4 to graduate to release level. We've been using and testing it for the last few weeks on Sailfish OS and Blackberry 10, and are happy with the first release.

This is mostly a source release, with packages for Sailfish OS and Blackberry 10 being available in the respective stores hopefully soon. For Sailfish OS, we also provide a RPM package directly from gpodder.org, so you can get your podcast fix right away.

Download: gpodder-core-4.0.0.tar.gz
md5sum: d3baf0268edbdb3b25b6549154edc39d
sha1sum: 6d0781c9a28899aa2824ff9830a6ece42f979758

Download: gpodder-ui-qml-4.0.0.tar.gz
md5sum: ebf84682f5375b0b141c8d1d2a28aeae
sha1sum: c240ff407eefb17cf0ef5e969adce681fc78184a

Download: harbour-org.gpodder.sailfish-4.0.0-9.noarch.rpm
md5sum: b690cbf2d1d18a88991506bcb767d979
sha1sum: b7f6a39bf4900d0bd352179c3b71ca05b6067ecd

This is only the beginning; stay tuned for regular gPodder updates and fixes. Of course, we'll also update and maintain gPodder 3.x for users not covered by gPodder 4 at the moment. We expect gPodder 3 and gPodder 4 to run in parallel for quite some time, they cover different target audiences.

If you are using gPodder's CLI UI ("gpo") only and don't need the gPodder 3 Gtk UI, it is included in gpodder-core 4.0.0 and has got some nice clean-ups and features - give it a try!

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