
gPodder 3.0.2 "Agent 99" released

A new release of gPodder is out, bringing some refinements and bug fixes to your podcatching experience:
  • Updated Mac OS X icon for gPodder 3
  • Updated Portuguese translation
  • Remove downloading of favicon as cover art
  • Custom feeds: Delete episodes when removed from feed
  • Improvements to the fake D-Bus module for systems without D-Bus
  • Write the default configuration on startup (bug 1511)
  • YouTube: Fix pubDate via monkey-patching (bug 1492)
  • Common prefix elimination for episodes
  • Gtk UI: Avoid errors when querying tooltips of separators
  • QML UI: Scrubbing (in the media player) and other tweaks
  • Updated translation templates from source
  • Updated German translation
  • QML UI: Add subscribe info for empty podcast list
Detailed ChangeLog: gpodder.org/changelog/3.0.2.

Download: gpodder-3.0.2.tar.gz
md5sum: b87755c75c6bcf754b73aa5ad028d514
sha1sum: ba547e5472466fe1b18afb72c1e2a5c25561b000

For packages in distributions, see the downloads page.

Please note that the Desktop version of gPodder 3 does not contain the MP3 player syncing feature. See this blog post for more information and add your use cases and offer for volunteering to this wiki page. Thanks for your help!


Common prefix elimination for episode lists

Something that I've been wanting to get into gPodder for a long time has finally landed in our Git repository: Common prefix elimination. We apply this to all episode titles that we show in GUI lists (e.g. in the Gtk UI and the QML UI), and it really helps to show you more information that is useful to you, especially on mobile devices:

On the first screenshot, you can see the Harmattan QML UI of gPodder 3.0.1 showing the Linux Outlaws episode list. As you can see, about half of the screen is "wasted" with information that is global across all episodes. On the second screenshot, you can see the development version of gPodder, showing the exact same screen, but this time with common prefix elimination enabled.

Right now, we have a very conservative algorithm for detecting common prefixes (i.e. it has to be a real common prefix across all episodes) - one could think about improving this with some heuristics, e.g. removing the podcast title in front of episodes, calculating the common prefix of a certain majority of episodes, etc. - I'm interested to see how the user base likes this feature, and if there are situations where this does more harm than good.


Device Sync in 3.x: Brainstorming for User Stories and Volunteers

Several users have - in various channels - complained about the missing support for device synchronization in gPodder 3.x. As I've mentioned in the original announcement, it's not because we don't want to have that feature in gPodder (we do!), but rather the reason for it was that the way it was implemented in 2.x was not as good as it could be, and it was hard to maintain (and also nobody of the core developers tested the iPod and MTP variants for a long time, with several bug reports staying open because nobody was able to test/reproduce or otherwise deal with them).

There is now a Wiki page where I would invite all users interested in getting device sync back into 3.x to add their user stories, maybe add themselves as volunteers (for either testing, development or documentation) and help us get a good idea of how the perfect device sync integration should look like:

Thanks for your support :)


gPodder 3.0.1 "One Illegal Angel" released

The first bugfix release of the 3.x series is here - gPodder 3.0.1 fixes some bugs that appeared after the 3.0.0 release, and improves compatibility:
  • Updated credits.txt from Git history
  • Various improvements to the Windows Launcher
  • Support "Just for me" Python installations on Windows (bug 1480)
  • Fix UnicodeDecodeError on startup (bug 1485)
  • Woodchuck: Fix spelling mistakes (bug 1473)
  • Woodchuck: Make soft errors quieter (bug 1476)
  • OS X: Add global flag for platform detection (bug 1482)
  • OS X: Use "open" to open files on Mac OS X (bug 1482)
  • Media RSS: Get filesize and duration (bug 1446)
  • Detect existing URLs on feed redirection (bug 1457)
  • Gtk UI: Cosmetic fix for progress dialog labels
  • Other small fixes
For a complete list of changes, see gpodder.org/changelog/3.0.1.

Download: gpodder-3.0.1.tar.gz
md5sum: aac6090047902c4be98d5f3a2afce14d
sha1sum: e7979023c16ff11435c96250fb450621fe6c7e33

For packages in distributions, see the downloads page.


libmygpo-qt 1.0.5 released

Amarok 2.5 is nearby, gpodder.net getting more features every few
weeks, so it is time for a new Version of libmygpo-qt including some bugfixes & new features.

I'm also looking for contributors, so if you wanna work on a interesting library used atm by Amarok & Nokia Podcasts, drop me a line.

Changes in libmygpo-qt 1.0.5:
-) fixed a bug in downloadSubscriptionsJson()
-) changed the way http basic auth information is transmitted to gpodder.net to no longer getting annoying popups when using
libmygpo-qt with KIO from KDE 4.7.X
-) implemented functions to access the new API for retrieving synchronization information of devices
-) implemented functions to retrieve toplist and search results in gpodders custom XML format
-) added "ConfigStyle" package finding to CMake Buildsystem

Where to get libmygpo-qt?
md5sum: 37af04b1e944f982e35b69c04b5d1b0f
sha1sum: a38d0ac08cc4601634b3cda3851226aabcff9638

Some more important Links for libmygpo-qt:
Project Website: http://wiki.gpodder.org/wiki/Libmygpo-qt
Git Repo: https://github.com/gpodder/libmygpo-qt
Doxygen Documentation: http://stefan.derkits.at/libmygpo-doc/
gpodder.net API: http://wiki.gpodder.org/wiki/Web_Services/API_2
Bugreports: http://bugs.gpodder.org
Contact: gpodder@freelists.org

General Infos about libmygpo-qt

What is libmygpo-qt?

libmygpo-qt is a Qt/C++ Library wrapping the gPodder.net Webservice. It was created as part of a University Course & it is used in Amarok (since 2.4.1) with the new gpodder.net
Service, that makes the gpodder.net Podcast Directory available from within Amarok.

The next Version of Amarok (2.5) requires libmygpo-qt 1.0.5 for the gPodder PodcastProvider, with which you can synchronize your local Podcasts between Amarok and gpodder.net (and other podcatchers with gpodder.net integration).


gPodder 3.0.0 "397/D" released

This is the release you have been waiting for for nearly a year - gPodder 3.0.0, the first release of the "tres" branch is out and ready for you to give it a test drive. There are too many changes to list them one by one, so I'll just give you a high-level overview of what's in for you:
  • Device synchronization removed: We have removed the ability to sync to iPod, MTP and filesystem-based MP3 players. You can store your gPodder data on your mobile device directly for now (using $GPODDER_HOME) or wait for someone to implement a syncing plugin.
  • New on-disk structure: Instead of having "gpodder-downloads" in your home folder, and the database and settings hidden away in another folder, all gPodder data is now stored in "gPodder" in your home directory (on Linux) or in "gPodder" in you "My Documents" folder (on Windows) or on the mass storage (MyDocs partition) on the N900 and N9. The database format has also been overhauled, you can use the "gpodder-migrate2tres" script to convert your gPodder 2 data to gPodder 3. Because all data is now stored in one folder, you can now use the Desktop version of gPodder to work on e.g. the gPodder downloaded data on your mobile device by pointing the $GPODDER_HOME environment variable to the storage device.
  • EQL: The so-called "Episode Query Language" allows you to write queries against your podcasts. For example, you can use "(audio and downloaded and minutes < 10)" to show all downloaded audio files that are shorter than 10 minutes to listen to. This is very powerful, and can currently be used in the episode list of the GTK UI using "search-as-you-type".
  • Improvements to the GTK UI, including support for showing the duration in the episode list, and hiding of columns in the episode list.
  • New QML-based touch UI: In addition to the GTK UI and the command-line interface, gPodder 3 contains a QML UI for use with PySide. This UI can be used on touch-enabled netbooks/laptops and on mobile devices. The QML UI is the only mobile UI supported in 3.0.0 (replacing the Hildon UI in previous releases).
  • Web UI: While this is still in its early stages, there is a small Web UI included that (when complete) will make it possible to manage gPodder via a web browser (with the help of a local, embedded web server).
  • Refined backend / data model: The codebase has been cleaned up and restructured, so it should be easier to maintain and add to in the future.
  • Support for Woodchuck: Neal Walfield has contributed a plugin for his Woodchuck framework. With Woodchuck installed, your device can detect which podcasts you like and automatically download the right episodes.
  • Better support for Windows: The Windows launcher has been refined, and Windows users can now also use the CLI in addition to the GTK GUI. The new version will also use a system-wide installation of Python 2.7 and PyGTK, and auto-download the installers for these dependencies if they are not found. This means smaller package sizes and better disk usage.
  • Dropped support for Maemo 4 (N800, N810) and Maemo 5 Hildon (N900)
  • Added support for Maemo 5 QML (N900) and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan (N9)
Download: gpodder-3.0.0.tar.gz
md5sum: a6137625e21c494e04c96e5735f51128
sha1sum: 32644629f534aaa33a13e3c1bc08f5fb2fcc07ac

For packages in various distributions, see the downloads page.

With the release of the "tres" branch, gPodder 2 is put into maintenance mode, with 2.20 being the latest release at the moment. Maintenance mode means for us that we will only release updates in case bugs are found and reported. We will not be adding new features, but if translators update the (now frozen) strings, we will also push out new updates every now and then. Also, we might consider merging patches against 2.x. When a new bugfix release of gPodder 2.x is made, we will still create packages for Maemo 4 and Maemo 5 users.

For Maemo 5 users wishing to upgrade to 3.0.0, we will provide packages for the new release soon - in that case, only the QML UI is supported, and users are encouraged to install the Maemo 5 Community SSU if they want to use the QML UI on their devices.

MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan packages will be provided via the Nokia Store.

This release also changes something in the Git repository: The "tres" branch gets renamed to "master" (the master branch), and the old master branch (2.x) is renamed to "two".

Also, coinciding with the release of gPodder 3, we have a new mailing list on freelists.org.

This is just the beginning, though - with gPodder 3 finally out, the flood gates are once more open for new features to land in the master branch :)

Look out for new updates for your favorite podcatcher soon. In the mean time, if you find any bugs, please report them at http://bugs.gpodder.org/. Thanks to all who have made this release possible, and who helped support the gPodder project over the last year that it took to get "tres" in shape! Enjoy gPodder 3 :)


Refreshed website, fixed 2.20 Windows release

The gPodder website has been refreshed, and updated - some pages have been merged, rearranged or improved in other ways, so that it's easier for you to get an overview of what's available and where to find the latest version. The downloads page now has the versions of all packages listed, so you can quickly see if the package in your distribution is up to date (right now, the versions are updated by hand, but we plan to script and scrape the version numbers from the distribution websites).

In related news, it has come to our attention that some users had problems running gPodder 2.20 on Windows (gPodder wouldn't start in this case). Investigations found that the problem was the missing "logging" module.

We have uploaded a fixed 2.20 release for Windows that includes the logging module - please redownload gPodder 2.20 from the downloads page if you are affected!


gPodder 2.20 "Neither Here Nor There" released

A new release of gPodder is out - this release is the last 2.x release before the "tres" release. Various bugfixes have been integrated, as well as new artwork merged from the tres branch and some updated translations from Transifex. The most important fixes:
  • Fix download filename with invalid headers (bug 1440)
  • Skip images in Media RSS if audio/video available (bug 1444)
  • Use the standard logging module for liblogger (bug 1435)
  • Fix the annoying AttributeError bug with gPodderWelcome (bug 1021)
You can see a full list of changes at gpodder.org/changelog/2.20.

Download: gpodder-2.20.tar.gz
md5sum: 4c09c1e2c3a3c291b5d1e9d185b59655
sha1sum: 21ae1255c63b69a8da2114d752ded07094097a8e

Please note that with this release, we now host source downloads on gpodder.org, because Berlios.de is shutting down at the end of the year. You can find all source downloads at http://gpodder.org/src/ and also get a specific source tarball via the URL shortcut gpodder.org/source/<version>. If you are a maintainer of a package of gpodder, you might want to update the source tarball link and/or the watchfile to be notified of new releases.

Packages for Maemo 4 and Maemo 5 have already been uploaded to maemo.org, packages for Debian, Ubuntu (PPA) and Windows will follow soon.


Planned downtime on October 26th

Our hosting company has informed us that there will be maintenance work on the network for the host on which the gpodder.org website is hosted. Other services should not be affected, but note that there might be problems accessing gpodder.org on October 26th from 12 AM to 6 AM Central European Time. After that, all our services should be back to normal.

Update: I've just received information that this maintenance will also affect the gpodder.net server, and it might also affect the bugtracker/wiki.


Future considerations: Gtk+ 3 and Python 3 support

Currently for our Desktop UI, we use PyGTK and GTK+ 2. In recent years and months, GObject Introspection has become available and with it new, dynamic bindings to GObject-based libraries like Gtk. Also, for future releases, the GObject Introspection-based Python bindings will be the only ones available, so it's a good idea to be forward-thinking and trying to see how good we can support gPodder.

I've now started an experimental branch based on the "tres" branch to see how well we can support it today, the result is gPodder running in Gtk 3:

You can grab the (highly experimental and unsupported) code from the tres-gtk3 branch on Github. This also paves the way for a possible upgrade to Python 3 in the future, as PyGObject bindings are already available on Python 3 (I haven't done any elaborate experiments with it apart from some very basic tests, though). However, neither PyGObject support nor Python 3 support will land in the first release of "tres" for practical reasons, but rest assured that we'll make the switch when we think it's a good idea (i.e. when PyGObject bindings are a bit more stable and more widespread in distributions). We will probably also switch to the new bindings first and only after we've stabilized the codebase there, we can then move on to working on the Python 3 support.

Python 3 support is more complicated, though - because some UIs (e.g. the QML UI, which depends on the PySide bindings to Qt) are not yet compatible with Python 3, or lack support elsewhere (e.g. on MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan as found on the N950 or N9, only Python 2.6 is available, with no Python 3 in sight - at least not officially supported). Maybe that's something we can aim for in gPodder 4 then ;)


gPodder Usability Tests on Maemo 5

Jarkko Mikael Palonkangas has carried out some user tests with gPodder on Maemo 5, and has now uploaded the resulting videos to YouTube. Please have a look and feel free to comment directly on the videos, because Jarkko can use the feedback and will use it for his Master's thesis:

These videos are also interesting if you haven't seen how the Thinking Aloud method works or if you have not played with gPodder's Maemo 5 UI yet.


gPodder 2.19 "The Toast Derivation" released

Before the big release of the "tres" branch as gPodder 3, we have another bugfix release for the stable 2.x series of releases for you. This release fixes various bugs found since the last release in August:
  • Fix empty descriptions in the Soundcloud module
  • Ignore image enclosures for audio/video in Media RSS (bug 1430)
  • Add Spanish and Turkish translations (bug 1420)
The detailed, full ChangeLog is available at gpodder.org/changelog/2.19.

Download: gpodder-2.19.tar.gz
md5sum: cad0cd6b303a38bab1c868b2186d816b
sha1sum: 6ac411241740fc93af165fdfcb355c9b02dcb714

Thanks to all who contributed to this release and reported bugs :)


gPodder "tres" Launch Party, 16. September 2011

Even though the "tres" branch has not officially been released yet (and we're not sure if we can make it before the party, but that shouldn't worry you ;)), the time is right for some partying, therefore the gPodder team and friends will meet up this Friday evening, September 16th in Vienna, Austria to celebrate the imminent release of gPodder's "tres" branch.

If you are in town and interested in coming, drop us a line and we'll give you the details how to find us :)


libmygpo-qt 1.0.4 released

Summer (and with it Google Summer of Code) is over and Lucas Lira Gomes sucessfully finished his GSoC Project (Integration of gpodder.net into Amarok), so expect to be able to synchronize your podcasts between Amarok & gpodder.net soon ;)

In addition to that, Ari Hannula from Nokia created "Podcasts" for the Nokia N9, which also utilizes libmygpo-qt for synchronizing and searching podcasts.

Thanks to Lucas & Ari, we found (and fixed ;) ) some Bugs in libmygpo-qt, so we hereby announce the availability of libmygpo-qt v1.0.4.

Changes in 1.0.4:
  • fixed a bug with an invalid timestamp when uploading EpisodeActions
  • fixed a bug with a wrong url when retrieving EpisodeActions by Podcast
  • fixed a crash happening on MeeGo because of the deletion of QNetworkReply Pointers
Where to get libmygpo-qt?

Tarball: libmygpo-qt.1.0.4.tar.gz
md5sum: 9c840d6a7dc96055c6eb5a7d36d02a7c
sha1sum: 7d46fcbcc3c0177bc353f8e15b0bff9fd19013e6

Some more important Links for libmygpo-qt:


Promote Podcasts in gPodder and on gpodder.net

If you want to promote your podcast the gPodder project is offering a simple promotion package: For only € 20 your podcast will be shown on the front page of gpodder.net and will be included in the example podcasts of all gPodder clients for one week.

You can either design the promotion space on the gpodder.net front page yourself, or you just provide us your logo and let us do the work.

The current promotion for Linux Basix

We're currently limiting promotions to one at a time, so your podcast will get the full attention of the gpodder.net visitors and gPodder users.

Linux Basix in gPodder's example Podcasts

You don't need to be the author /publisher of a podcast in order to promote it, we'll also accept promotions from fans. However, if you are associated to a podcast, gpodder.net has special publisher pages that contain subscriber and listener stats. This service is currently provided for free and is not tied to a promotion.

Promotion Info and Booking

The revenue from podcast promotions will be used to cover our hosting expenses. If you want to support gPodder and gpodder.net without booking a promotion, there's also the possibility to donate.


gPodder 2.18 "Powerswitch" released

Due to a problem with using the Transifex client for pulling in new translations into our repository before the last release, gPodder 2.17 was missing some translations that existed in previous versions. This release - gPodder 2.18 - fixes this issue and re-adds all missing translations. The YouTube bugfix that has been the reason for the 2.17 release is obviously also included in this release.

Download: gpodder-2.18.tar.gz
md5sum: 69b2667c89996c39cda70b20b6b518db
sha1sum: 02d0ed954b596c592b8113c60ba1b30dd9fde23a

Thanks to Götz Waschk and Tony Mancill for bringing this issue to my attention quickly. Packages for different distributions will appear shortly. Enjoy this new gPodder release!


mygpoclient 1.6 "Greensleeves" released

A new version of mygpoclient, the Pythonic gpodder.net client library has been released. This new release includes various bugfixes that have been introduced in our repository since the last release. It also includes experimental support for the mygpo-feedservice.

Download: mygpoclient-1.6.tar.gz
md5sum: 41cb32aea08e2183ea779bec9b456be6
sha1sum: 14eac26757fe8b857e2e5ffc14c31ff9b2a0db4d

Thanks to David Sepashvili and Stefan Kögl who contributed code for this release. This update is recommended for all users of mygpoclient. Packages in distributions will hopefully follow soon.

gPodder 2.17 "Take Seven" released

This is a bugfix release in the 2.x release series, which fixes downloads of YouTube videos. It is recommended for all users.

Download: gpodder-2.17.tar.gz
md5sum: c7f0fc4ec732496ece5bfa129f0eda21
sha1sum: 9469785e579233509b4f52a6e4afb6550cdf7186

As always, packages for Maemo, Debian, Windows and Ubuntu will appear in the upcoming days.

Transifex integration for gPodder 2.x and 3.x re-enabled

Since Transifex changed their system to not integrate with Git repositories, we have not had integration set up with the gPodder project. Now that the "tres" branch is nearing its release, it's time to set up the translation facilities again, so we can get a properly-translated first release out.

If you are interested in helping make gPodder more international, or if you have been a translator for some time, but were waiting for Transifex support to be re-enabled, now is the time to head over to the gPodder on Transifex project and submit translations :)


gpodder.net planned server outage

Our ISP where gpodder.net (and the gpodder.org website) is hosted has informed us that they are planning to do some maintenance work in the night from July 28th to July 29th. It is possible that during this time, gpodder.net is not available or not fully available (the same applies to gpodder.org, but the gpodder.org blog is hosted somewhere else, so it will not be affected by this maintenance window). Update: This will also affect bugs.gpodder.org. Thanks to Paul for noticing.

You can look up your local time for the maintenance window. After the maintenance is over, gpodder.net should continue to function as usual.

GSoC update: Subscription sync with Amarok

Another update from Lucas Lira Gomes about his Google Summer of Code project that aims to integrate gpodder.net with Amarok: He has now managed to get synchronization working, with some pretty neat UI integration:

Check out more screenshots and a description of them on Lucas' blog.


Panucci is coming to the N950

gPodder's sister project Panucci is being ported to MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan on the Nokia N950. The port is done by Panucci's current maintainer, Jens Persson (xerxes2). He announced the first progress on the project today:

And as you shouldn't make promises you can't keep, as Frank Martin's fourth rule, I got right to it and Panucci already runs pretty well on Harmattan. Some small things to fix but nothing major. I'll also pick up a headset to fix the bluetooth implementation which is missing now. The QML version will probably/hopefully work very well on Fremantle too. It will (probably) never support as many features as the GTK one as I don't got an N900 to fix stuff but it should work reasonably well.

Jens has posted a video on YouTube of the project's current status, and a short overview:

If you didn't know, Panucci is a resuming audiobook and podcast player, and can be used on Maemo and on the (Linux) Desktop to provide resuming functionality of your audio podcasts. Panucci also plays well together with gPodder to synchronize the playback status of audio files, so gPodder can track your playback progress. With dedicated seek buttons, Panucci is very well suited for listening to podcasts and seeking through long pieces of spoken audio.


gPodder 2.16 "Over There" released

It has been over two months, but don't forget that we've been working hard on getting the "tres" branch ready for some action, also. In the mean time, several bug fixes have accumulated for our stable 2.x branch, and so it's once again time to release these into the wild.

Please see the detailed ChangeLog for information on which fixes have been added in this release.

Download: gpodder-2.16.tar.gz
md5sum: ae60552b230f4a8e84eeff6586ea871f
sha1sum: ccbf477401e9dd42ec0c8af386ea17d1abafa2db

Thanks to all the contributors and bug reporters who have made this release the most stable release in the 2.x branch yet :) As always, packages for the different kinds of distributions should be available in the upcoming days.


GSoC update: Podcast synchronization in Amarok

Lucas Lira Gomes has once again updated his blog with some information about the progress on getting gpodder.net integration working with Amarok:

[GSoC] Podcast Subscription Synchronisation

Expect some more updates regarding the normal version of gPodder, including support for recently announced MeeGo devices soon. In July, we will be working hard on getting the new release in shape, and we'll also have some updates for the current 2.x branch of releases. Until then, enjoy the weather.


GSoC update: Amarok integration progressing

As part of Google Summer of Code 2011, Lucas Lira Gomes is working on gpodder.net integration for Amarok, the KDE media player. In his latest blog post, he gives us an update about his progress:

At this point, podcast playlist syncing doesn't have a way to show only a subset of predetermined episodes, for this reason we will see some episodes, from before the synchronisation, that should be not shown in Amarok. This will be fixed as soon as we get some priorities done first, since that bug don't prevent usage.

This week, I will try to run a gpodder.net server, as suggested by our libmygpo-qt comrade, HorrusHorrendus, in order to make the next part of this project easier to test. I also plan to continue coding the existing skeleton of the plug­in infrastructure for the gpodder integration with Amarok.

Lucas says he will have some more updates next week, so if you want to be up to date when Amarok's gpodder.net-related feature set exceeds that of gPodder, subscribe to his blog!


libmygpo-qt 1.0.3 released, new Git repository location

Our resident gpodder.net C++ client master Stefan returns with another release announcement: The Amarok team has released Amarok 2.4.1, it's the first widespread application to use libmygpo-qt. Thanks for all the feedback since libmygpo-qt 1.0.2 - it's time again for a new bugfix release, so here it is: libmygpo-qt 1.0.3 :)

If you are using the Git repository, please be aware that since this release, the Git repository URL for libmygpo-qt has changed - the library now lives inside the "gpodder" project on Github (other parts of the gPodder ecosystem will move to this location shortly when new versions are released): https://github.com/gpodder/libmygpo-qt

Changes in libmygpo-qt 1.0.3:
  • All private classes used in libmygpo-qt were moved into their own header files (name_p.h) instead of having them in the .cpp files
  • UrlBuilder now uses the fast string concatenation of Qt
  • Some unneeded files were removed (RequestHandlerTest & tests/Makefile.man)
  • Fixed a bug in the build system
  • General cleanup of unnecessary #include statements
Source tarball: libmygpo-qt.1.0.3.tar.gz
md5sum: 5f5995a2e335a3f47487d9b25ef3a16e
sha1sum: 49bbcb886cdb215513ea0e54efb8a488dcc88749

For more information about libmygpo-qt, have a look at the libmygpo-qt wiki.


gPodder 2.15 packages now available for Ubuntu and Windows

gPodder 2.15 has been released one week ago, and since then, packages have slowly trickled into distributions, with Maemo 4 (N800, N810) and Debian unstable being the first ones to receive the updates. For Maemo 5, the package has been in Extras-Testing since the release day, but the 10-day quarantine period for updated packages to enter Extras is not over yet, so you have to wait a few more days.

Updated packages of gPodder are now available from the gPodder Ubuntu PPA and a new Windows package has also been uploaded and is now available for download.


gPodder 2.15 "Night of Desirable Objects" released

A new episode in the stable 2.x release series of your favorite podcatcher is out: Version 2.15 - "Night of Desirable Objects" - brings some bug fixes and translation updates:
  • Sanitize filename when saving to folder (bug 1317)
  • Remove gstreamer track length detection (bug 1316)
  • Win32: Fix issues with backslashes in commands
  • Better generation of one-line description
  • Fix bug when different podcasts have the same GUID (Maemo bug 12094)
  • GTK UI: Fix podcast directory dialog layout
  • Translation updates:
    • French translation of gpodder.desktop (by Vysserk3)
    • Galician (by Gonçalo Cordeiro)
    • Norwegian Bokmål (by Jim Nygård)
    • Spanish (by Jorge Suárez de Lis)
A detailed ChangeLog is available at gpodder.org/changelog/2.15.

Download: gpodder-2.15.tar.gz
md5sum: e601b8c8cbb09acd5a33f44de6e67edf
sha1sum: 06db4d231b05187abcfc3c36b1e1460498a4b6db

Thanks to all contributors, translators, bug reporters, donators, flattr'ers, packagers and users of gPodder who have made this release possible and great :)


gPodder as a RSS reader

Eric Le Lay has been working on modding gPodder to work as a normal RSS reader for non-podcast news feeds. As announced on gpodder-devel this week, he has now published a guide on what he had to change to get it working, including a Git repository on Github. His changes include some nice ideas that might be worth merging back into mainline gPodder, although our goal is still to be a great podcatcher only and no news reader. Here's a screenshot of Eric's modified gPodder, with shownotes embedded in the main window:


Drafting the new podcast directory dialog

Since last year, our gpodder.net web service has gained lots of features, including text search and tagging. The official gPodder podcast client doesn't yet support all those features in its UI, and so I've been looking to redesign the podcast directory ("Find new podcasts" / "Discover new podcasts") dialog:

The first draft (which you can see at the top left) was a wizard-style dialog that guides the user through different steps. The second one (on which the final prototype is based) adds a two-pane layout with different sources in the left pane, and controls and the list of available podcasts in the right pane. This allows us to add more services and directories in the future and also adds a nice place for us to add "bookmarks" to OPML files on the web (i.e. you could bookmark the public OPML URLs of your friends' gpodder.net podcast subscriptions). Here's the final (implementation-specific) Gtk+ UI draft:
This new dialog will be part of the 3.x gPodder releases, and as soon as some details are worked out, the code will land in the "tres" branch of our Git repository. Here's a screenshot of the current prototype implementation:


gPodder 2.14 now available for Ubuntu, Maemo and Windows

The latest release of gPodder is now available in Debian unstable, in Ubuntu (via the gPodder Ubuntu PPA), for Maemo 5 (Fremantle, N900) in Extras-Testing and for Windows. Packages for Maemo 4 (Diablo, N800 and N810) have been uploaded to the Extras Autobuilder and will be available soon. Happy podcatching! :)


gPodder 2.14 "The Friendliest of Fruits" released

We're back with another release in the 2.x series of gPodder releases. While we're still brewing cool stuff in the "tres" branch of our Git repository, it's time to revisit the old stable branch and get some fixes out there for you to enjoy :)

Here's a list of changes:
  • Various tray icon-related fixes (bug 1253, with contributions by Pavel Puchkin)
  • Decode strings to unicode before slicing (bug 1277)
  • Handle None in replace_from_channel (bug 1291)
  • Updated French translation (by Vysserk3)
  • Remove partial files that are already downloaded completely
  • Fix YouTube-related download problems (HTTP 400, bug 1308)
  • Maemo 5: Add per-podcast keep settings ("Keep episodes")
  • Maemo 5: Re-add "Visit website" button in shownotes dialog
  • Fix typos in gpodder.desktop (Debian bug 620438)
  • Better GUID tracking with fallback URL (Maemo bug 12073)
You can find a detailed ChangeLog on gpodder.org/changelog/2.14.

Download: gpodder-2.14.tar.gz
md5sum: c63c14938bbaee3753b7a52f9e3435aa
sha1sum: 878f4fb451f76dba31229fb9a23fe6f8e41f333f

Thanks to everyone who was involved in the making of this release :)


mobl-podder: A mobile web app using gpodder.net

Li-Hsuan Lung has announced a cool mobile web app: mobl-podder, a mobile web application targetting the iPad and other mobile devices. A demo instance is running on this website, so you can try it out yourself easily. For now, this just browses the gpodder.net directory, displays feeds and lets you play back episodes directly in the browser:

The app is written using mobl, and the source code is available on GitHub.


libmygpo-qt 1.0.2 released

Stefan from the libmygpo-qt project has just released version 1.0.2 of the Qt/C++ gpodder.net client library. Since the inclusion into Amarok 2.4.1 beta, interest in the library has grown, and packages have been created for different distributions. This release incorporates the feedback that the libmygpo-qt team has received based on these packaging efforts.

Source download: libmygpo-qt.1.0.2.tar.gz
md5sum: 6f88444c82e9840638ec16e366457dd7
sha1sum: e1b2b2fe3bf036c2f7753b0c514982e0583871d1

The licensing was a bit unclear, and has been clarified with this release: libmygpo-qt is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL v2.1 or later. Here is a short ChangeLog from the announcement:
  • Changed .so version scheme (again - but now it's final; thanks to "eean" for input)
  • Eliminated some compiler warnings in the code
  • Cleaned up the build system to only install public/required headers
  • Avoid or remove warnings from the build system
  • Updated README file
Thanks to Stefan and the libmygpo-qt team for keeping this nice and useful Qt library up-to-date. We're happy to see the gpodder.net support in Amarok being well received by the community :)


Amarok 2.4.1 beta 1 ships with gpodder.net support

The Amarok team has announced version 2.4.1 beta 1 of the cross-platform music player. This is the first version to ship with gpodder.net integration out of the box (thanks to the libmygpo-qt library and the integration efforts by Stefan, Christian and Felix). Try it out and tell us how you like it! The release announcement can be found on the Amarok homepage.


gPodder not selected for GSoC 2011

Google has announced the list of accepted organizations for Summer of Code 2011. Unfortunately, gPodder has not been selected, so we won't be able to take part in this year's SoC. If you want to work on some cool projects anyway, feel free to pick a project from the Ideas list.

We will try to apply again next year for GSoC'12, but in the mean time, we'll focus on creating a great podcatcher experience for our target platforms, and making sure that the gpodder.net web service will continue to grow and provide a pleasant podcast discovering experience.


libmygpo-qt 1.0.1 released, call for packagers

Stefan from the libmygpo-qt project announced a bugfix release for the gpodder.net Qt client library:

Dear gPodder Community,

after finishing the v1.0 Version of libmygpo-qt, the first Bugfix Release is here, v1.0.1

This is a bugfix Release, especially targeting a Bug in the Build System (library couldn't be built on Maemo 5/ARM)

Source download: libmygpo-qt.1.0.1.tar.gz
md5sum: 96095ae07a27db5593dfb73a5fa14d90
sha1sum: e94d8d96f231e946b2c1b259679140488ee04b6b

I am looking for interested people that help us with the packaging of the Library. Please contact me via the gpodder Mailinglist.

Important Links
Contact: gpodder-devel@lists.berlios.de

What is libmygpo-qt?

libmygpo-qt is a Qt/C++ Library wrapping the gPodder.net Webservice. It was created as part of a University Course & is used in one of the next versions of Amarok (2.4.1) with the new gpodder.net Service, that makes the gpodder.net Podcast Directory available from within Amarok.


gPodder is now on Flattr

Based on a request of a user on Identi.ca, I've now set up a Flattr account and placed a Flattr badge on the gpodder.org website. This means it's now possible to flattr gPodder. We'll see how this works out in the upcoming months and if it's useful for the project.


Improvements to the gPodder command-line interface

For quite some time now, gPodder ships with the "gpo" utility - a command-line utility to carry out some basic tasks (subscribe, update, download, ...) with the gPodder database. For the future version, we have some cool new features that I'd like to share with you today (you can try them out in the "tres" branch of our Git repository):
  • Interactive mode (just run "gpo", and you get a "gpo>" prompt), complete with readline support and tab completion :)
  • Automatic paging of long episode lists ("less"-like scrolling, powered by pydoc)
  • Handling of keyboard interrupts in interactive mode
Of course, the feature set of "gpo" does not cover all that's possible right now with the GUI, but it would be easy to extend if someone wants to step up and contribute some features. The latest version, 2.13, already contains some improvements to the CLI, and you already get nice, colored terminal output when updating feeds or downloading episodes.


gPodder 2.13 "Mr. Dingle, the Strong" released

Your monthly load of gPodder release goodness has arrived! The 2.x branch of gPodder is for bugfixes and small enhancements, while the "innovation" happens in the "tres" branch in our Git repository. It is recommended for all gPodder users to upgrade to 2.13 to get the best compatibility with podcast feeds and the latest fixes. Here's a summary of the changes:
  • Handle failed feed updates in "gpo" (bug 1264)
  • Fix encoding issue in minidb (bug 1088)
  • Fix broken YouTube search (Maemo bug 11756)
  • OPML Export for Maemo 5 (Maemo bug 11504)
  • Always show "Check for updates" on Maemo 5 (Maemo bug 11637)
  • Fix problems with MAFW position tracking (Maemo bug 11811)
  • Option: Auto-download when on Wi-Fi (Maemo bug 5181)
  • Various fixes to the Maemo 5 UI ("Copy" in shownotes, icon refresh)
  • Updated translations: Norwegian Bokmål and German
The detailed ChangeLog can be found at gpodder.org/changelog/2.13.

Source download: gpodder-2.13.tar.gz
md5sum: e9f92d5057f7bd97d7c8a7bd471739cd
sha1sum: d87de1ae8cfc6d757b5b957ecda7f5687f69f1b7

The package for Maemo 4 (N800 and N810) is available in Extras right now. gPodder for Maemo 5 (N900) is already in Extras-Testing (please test and vote) and will land in Extras after testing is complete. Packages for Debian will be provided shortly, and the Ubuntu PPA will also be updated with the new version after the Debian package is ready. Thanks to all who were involved in this release. Happy podcatching!


gPodder project ideas for GSoC 2011

In just ten days the application period for Google Summer of Code 2011 mentoring organizations starts, and we here at gPodder HQ will try to become a mentoring organization for the first time :) The gpodder.net web service has gained lots of interest from developers and users around the world, and the gPodder client is one of the best podcatchers on mobile devices, but it's not available for all mobile platforms yet.

If you want to work on a great project this summer, why not work on gPodder? We are collecting ideas for possible projects in our Wiki: GSoC Ideas (feel free to add your own!). If you want to work on a specific project, please get in touch with us via the mailing list. We're looking forward to working with you towards the goal of the best cross-platform, open source podcatcher in the world :)


gpodder.net gets a second server

People have complained about the speed of gpodder.net throughout the day. Sometimes, responses take a few seconds to go through. We've now decided to order a second virtual server to go with the main server, in order to balance the load a bit and split the database for better performance. The new server is already taking care of taking off some load from the main server. You should see better response times and better availability now. Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.


libmygpo-qt 1.0 released

Stefan, Christian & Felix from the libmygpo-qt team have released version 1.0 of their Qt/C++ client library for gpodder.net. This is the first stable release and is up-to-date with the gpodder.net API Level 2.6.

Source download: libmygpo-qt.1.0.0.tar.gz
md5sum: c766e8f65212a6c35e1873dbbf703137
sha1sum: ff22becf5ba13bedf107035b724b975fce6a36d2

The team is now looking for people interested in helping to package the library for different distributions. If you want to help, please get in touch. You can find more details about the release and links to resources in the official announcement.

As part of their project, Stefan, Christian & Felix have also worked on integrating gpodder.net into Amarok, the KDE media player. You can find a link to their experimental Amarok version in the official announcement (see above) and hopefully their patches will get merged into mainline Amarok in the upcoming months.

We've been celebrating the release of libmygpo-qt 1.0 last week in Vienna together with the team; great to see the gpodder.net web service getting some attention from other developers and being integrated into other applications. If you want to integrate gpodder.net support into your own application, get in touch :)

This is the new location for gPodder news

We have moved our blog and news content over to Blogger. The old news items will be imported at some point in the future. This new blogging system should allow us to keep you updated more regularly with developments of gPodder :)